Compared to yesterday, today was easy. When I wrote yesterday's entry I assumed we were done for the day... not quite. At about midnight we had ourselves a little fire drill. Fortunately we had been well briefed on the fire alarm procedure, and we all assembled outside of the building until we were cleared to return. There were some pretty groggy, confused and irritated rowers though. What an end to a long day!
Today started much better. The group headed off to Windsor for the morning to see the sights. By all accounts the sights were seen; the castle, the changing of the guard, the high street shops and even a cafe or two. You can't really dig in in a couple of hours, but at least they got a taste.
Then it was back to the rowing. The afternoon session saw many of the crews fine-tuning their rigs and getting their first real full session in. It is safe to say the kids are adjusting to the time and environment quickly. A couple of the coaches might still be catching up :) but in fairness, today was the second day they've worked through the lunch break, so they're working very hard.
Tomorrow the official London2012 Olympics crew takes over the venue, so we'll see if things ratchet up a notch.
For parents in London: The Opening Ceremony is being held at the Royal Holloway, so if you want to come and watch on Tuesday evening, please do. 7:30-8:30pm.
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